Fluentd plugin to send NSCA / Nagios service checks

I wrote a Fluentd plugin which sends service checks to an NSCA / Nagios monitoring server. You can utilize the plugin to detect anomaly of logs and send alerts using Nagios.


Install fluent-plugin-nsca gem.

You don't have to install send_nsca command, because this plugin uses a pure ruby NSCA client library.

Use case: “too many server errors” alert

Assume you have

  • “web” server ( which runs Apache HTTP Server and Fluentd, and
  • “monitor" server ( which runs Nagios and NSCA.

You want to be notified when Apache responds too many server errors, for example 5 errors per minute as WARNING, and 50 errors per minute as CRITICAL.

This can be implemented as the following figure shows.


Nagios configuration on “monitor" server

Create web.cfg file shown as below, under the Nagios configuration directory.

# File: web.cfg

# "web" server definition
define host {
  use generic-host
  host_name web
  alias web

# Server errors service definition
define service {
  use generic-service
  name server_errors
  active_checks_enabled 0
  passive_checks_enabled 1
  flap_detection_enabled 0
  max_check_attempts 1
  check_command check_dummy!0

# Delete this section if check_dummy command is defined elsewhere
define command {
  command_name check_dummy
  command_line $USER1$/check_dummy $ARG1$

Fluentd configuration on “web” server

This setting utilizes fluent-plugin-datacounter, fluent-plugin-record-reformer, and of course fluent-plugin-nsca. So, first of all, install the gems of those plugins.

Next, add these lines to the Fluentd configuration file.

# Parse Apache access log
  type tail
  tag access
  format apache2

  # The paths vary by setup
  path /var/log/httpd/access_log
  pos_file /var/log/fluentd/httpd-access_log.pos

# Count 5xx errors per minute
<match access>
  type datacounter
  tag count.access
  unit minute
  aggregate all
  count_key code
  pattern1 error ^5\d\d$

# Calculate the severity level
<match count.access>
  type record_reformer
  tag server_errors
  enable_ruby true
    level ${error_count < 5 ? 'OK' : error_count < 50 ? 'WARNING' : 'CRITICAL'}

# Send checks to NSCA
<match server_errors>
  type nsca
  port 5667
  password peng!

  host_name web
  service_description server_errors
  return_code_field level

The next figure shows the data flow.


You can use record_transformer filter instead of fluent-plugin-record-reformer on Fluentd 0.12.0 and above.

If you are concerned with scalability, fluent-plugin-norikra may be a better option than datacounter and record_reformer.


Please submit an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository.

Feed back to @miyakawa_taku on Twitter is also welcome.